It's grey and cold and Spring as well as the baby's arrival seem to be forever away.
Meantime my winter coat no longer zips up (I've found an alternative in a shorter jacket with poppers that will have to do until the temperatures deign to improve), it takes me forever to pull my boots on, Emma's 16kg are playing games with my balance (and my attempts at keeping a stable core and aligned pelvis), and we still don't have a name for our baby boy. Oh and I still have a blocked nose ...
And I feel overwhelmed by the amount of laundry and organizing - yes, I'm nesting! - after going through ALL of Emma's clothes, separating the too girly from more neutral clothes and setting up little baby boys' bedroom; bed, cupboard, sheets, clothes, curtains, carpet, toy trunk, changing station, lighting, chair to breast feed in...
As far as I remember, setting Emma's room up was fun - this is much more work. Maybe because there is Emma to play and take care of too. Maybe because I need to put my feet up for an hour a day if I want to be even mildly efficient and present at dinner time. Maybe it's just trying to get all this done when the weather's only talent is to inspire me to sink into the sofa with a book or a DVD.
And, in all honesty, I have to admit, there are days when I have spent so much energy trying to be patient with Emma's dawdling and testing of our limits that I wonder how we will ever manage when I will have slept less and have another little one to care for.
As far as I remember, setting Emma's room up was fun - this is much more work. Maybe because there is Emma to play and take care of too. Maybe because I need to put my feet up for an hour a day if I want to be even mildly efficient and present at dinner time. Maybe it's just trying to get all this done when the weather's only talent is to inspire me to sink into the sofa with a book or a DVD.
And, in all honesty, I have to admit, there are days when I have spent so much energy trying to be patient with Emma's dawdling and testing of our limits that I wonder how we will ever manage when I will have slept less and have another little one to care for.
Hi San, not an easy time and even though day's seem long these next months will wizz by. The good news is that your little boy is coming when the days are longer so even if he wakes you up early in the morning you don't need to wait another 3hours untill daylight!!! Trust me you're timing with the seasons is good! Courage! L
Although not nesting, I feel the same ;-)
Thanks guys ;-)
Thanks for your honesty. I feel for you. The good news is that nothings stays the same change is just around the corner.
Lots of energy for you. Eva
You are preggers! Congrats. I've been away from the blogosphere a bit. Working outside the home now. (Trying to figure out whether to have another wee one myself...)
J. You are ALIVE!!! I was getting a bit worried since your last post was back in May!!!! ;-)
Glad to know you've found a job.
Yes, I'm preggers again - a boy this time - last trimester! I feel like a huge whale at this point but otherwise so far, so good! ;-)
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