So what's been happening for the past three days?
Off the top of my head and once again sleep deprived new-mummy-brain:
Will slept a lot on Sunday and it was sometimes hard to get him to breastfeed for more than 10 minutes at a time (pause, burp, feed, sometimes reflux) but as the day drew to a close he got hungrier so I hope that all that sucking will bring my milk in soon.
He has really looong fingers and seems finer and of a more slender build than Emma, although, at the grand old age of 48hours things could change!
It's impressive how big and grown up Emma seems all of a sudden! Practically a teenager! ;-)
My days here at the clinic are busy, busy busy; After my first visitors (Steph and Emma before they go to work and kindergarden) the obgyn came by and checked my uterus, blood was taken for a blood test (not sure what that was about but will ask the obgyn ) the physiotherapist came by and so did a masseuse (I didn't get to benefit from these as I had visitors and was breastfeeding when they came on Monday but did on Tuesday).
My nights of sleep are currently 1h30am-5h30/6am. I definitely need a nap in the afternoon!
Will likes to sleep in after his first morning feed allowing me to shower etc. before breakfast and visits!
Will's weight was 3290gr on Monday morning and 3260gr Tuesday and today he is edging back up to his original birth weight at 3310gr. Yay!!!
He is looking slightly less pinky-blue and quite handsome.
Emma and Steph bumped into the obgyn Tuesday morning as they were leaving and Emma's first reaction was "das ist nicht dein Bruder! Das ist mein Bruder!!" Ever true to herself, although a "Guten Morgen" would have been nice too!
I had forgotten how ravenously hungry breastfeeding makes me. I literally wolf down my scrambled eggs and my lunch (soup, fish, potatoes, salad & desert) lasted all of 10 minutes !!
We survived the notorious day 3 slump! Hopefully as of today we will start feeling better again!
Il est tellement mignon!! J'ai hâte de le voir. En attendant, fais-lui pleins de câlins et de bzu de sa Tata Yéyé. Et bien-sûr, la même chose à Emma. Et gros bzu à toi ;););).
Congratulations on baby Will's arrival!!! He is precious!!!
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