We had a very happy week-end;
- Saturday morning brunch at our local market while Emma and a friend played in the park and we chatted with her parents
- an early and quiet dinner at a neighborhood restaurant (Will was with us and Emma at the park with our babysitter)
Steph at the restaurant on the swinging bench with Will
- We went to a local swimming pool for the first time this season
- Had 2 reasonably good nights sleep with William waking only once after his dream feed at 11pm around 2am and sleeping through to 6h30am! (We've resolved to rolling him onto his tummy if he seems uncomfortable or in pain in the early morning hours and it works wonders!)
William in his car seat
Poor Emma woke up Sunday morning with a swollen eye and absolutely HUGE ear having been bit by an insect in her sleep. Luckily, the pharmacist (after a laugh) gave us something efficient to help the swelling and she didn't seem to mind too much. (This morning her ear was much better and I have since sprayed her room, pajamas and sheets with Citronella as there are mosquitoes galore!)
Emma and her swollen ear
Sadly we found out we will be needing to find a new babysitter as Marta will be leaving for Bruxelles in September.
Marta in the sandpit with Emma