Wednesday, April 28, 2010

William update - 3 days old

So what's been happening for the past three days?

Off the top of my head and once again sleep deprived new-mummy-brain:

Will slept a lot on Sunday and it was sometimes hard to get him to breastfeed for more than 10 minutes at a time (pause, burp, feed, sometimes reflux) but as the day drew to a close he got hungrier so I hope that all that sucking will bring my milk in soon.

He has really looong fingers and seems finer and of a more slender build than Emma, although, at the grand old age of 48hours things could change!

It's impressive how big and grown up Emma seems all of a sudden! Practically a teenager! ;-)

My days here at the clinic are busy, busy busy; After my first visitors (Steph and Emma before they go to work and kindergarden) the obgyn came by and checked my uterus, blood was taken for a blood test (not sure what that was about but will ask the obgyn ) the physiotherapist came by and so did a masseuse (I didn't get to benefit from these as I had visitors and was breastfeeding when they came on Monday but did on Tuesday).

My nights of sleep are currently 1h30am-5h30/6am. I definitely need a nap in the afternoon!

Will likes to sleep in after his first morning feed allowing me to shower etc. before breakfast and visits!

Will's weight was 3290gr on Monday morning and 3260gr Tuesday and today he is edging back up to his original birth weight at 3310gr. Yay!!!

He is looking slightly less pinky-blue and quite handsome.

Emma and Steph bumped into the obgyn Tuesday morning as they were leaving and Emma's first reaction was "das ist nicht dein Bruder! Das ist mein Bruder!!" Ever true to herself, although a "Guten Morgen" would have been nice too!

I had forgotten how ravenously hungry breastfeeding makes me. I literally wolf down my scrambled eggs and my lunch (soup, fish, potatoes, salad & desert) lasted all of 10 minutes !!

We survived the notorious day 3 slump! Hopefully as of today we will start feeling better again!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Translating baby sounds

I had found this quite useful with Emma and will be listening out for Will's cries using this method again.

Dunstan Baby language

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Welcome William

Well, here he is! Our perfect little boy, 51cm long and weighing 3420gr.

William was born at 4h05 this morning after 8 hours of labor. He was pretty quick to come once his head had descended and both the midwife Ulli and our Dr. K were great.

Some pics from the iPhone.

Now, I really hope that's my breakfast I hear coming 'cause I am absolutely starving!

Meanwhile, Will has already been breastfed and is sleeping peacefully...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

40 weeks + 4 days pregnant

Mmmm... I've been through various stages since Tuesday (EDD at 40 weeks). That was just 4 days ago but feels like weeks have gone by.

First, as soon as I was at the clinic doing the heart monitoring at 10am, I felt certain the baby was not coming that day. Even though there was still the possibility of the whole day. Even though the Hebamme told me contractions could theoretically start as soon as I got home, in a few hours or the very same night. Or not.

And they didn't.

I can't say I was displeased, since April 20th wasn't exactly a date to wish for after I had been informed that this man had been born on it in Austria. Although, rationally, I am sure lots of great people were too. But in Austria... well, let's just say, once I knew about it, I would have preferred a different one.

April 21st came and went and I started to feel as though it might all well be a fake, dream or misunderstanding; like I'd hidden a pillow under my t-shirt or something and now nothing was coming of it. Was I really pregnant? I felt like checking every time I woke up, just to make sure it wasn't a dream.

April 22nd Thursday; I was due for another heart monitoring session but since I felt fine and my Pilates instructor would have me, I first went to my preggie Pilates class. Surprise! I am still preggers!

In fact, everywhere I go (kindergarden, restaurants, the supermarket or the ice-cream place...) people now comment and ask "what's up? does he not want to come out?" "come out baby, we want to meet you!" Having already wished me luck and a smooth delivery a number of times thinking they had seen the last of my belly, well there's not much else to say when I show up still pregnant again. Only my belly seems even lower and perhaps I'm walking with more of a waddle. At any rate, still pregnant. It feels like ages even to them.

Oops! Really low!

The heart monitoring went well, the baby was lively and jumping around and I felt really relaxed and "open" after the Pilates. The Hebamme told me that D-day was "just a date", that babies often waited up to 10 days before coming out -especially the first one. Yes, only this is my second and my first came "on time" so this is kind of unexpected... and since he has been low (really low) as well as head down for over 10 weeks now, plus I have been running around after Emma, I just thought he might have come earlier... But obviously the most important thing is that he is fine. And yes, I am aware that full term could be anywhere between week 37 and week 42. It's just that, having been given a date, it's hard not to focus on it.

We also talk about the risks of perinatal deaths increasing after (during?) week 42 and the Hebamme reassures me that they don't leave the babies in beyond 40 weeks + 10 days in this clinic. We talk about induction using prostaglandins and I recall my gynae saying she had used them for both her babies around 40 weeks +5. I'm technically in my 41st week now. Mmm... Lots of Googling when I get home.

Why do I feel like I am having to justify myself? I am fine with him not being out yet. Really I am. I meant what I wrote in my birth affirmations. I wish my baby to come when he is ready and I hate the idea of doing something to pull him out. But, but... Maybe what's getting to me is the questions, calls, comments and the fact that people seem to think I'm in the driving seat here. Well, I'm not. It's baby's decision.
Why do I feel like I haven't "delivered"? As if I had blown a dead-line on a very important project. I know people ask our of concern and kindness, but quite clearly, you can see he is still inside and we will let you know as soon as he arrives, promise!

Yes, we could induce. Only, as things stand there is no real reason to do so. I am not in pain or unwell or tired beyond belief (as I was with Emma and even then I talked to her all the time asking her to please come out on her own so we didn't have to come and get her and she did!) . The baby is not in distress. Risks of infant death rise after week 42 and we are not remotely near that number. I am going for monitoring every 48 hours, feel fine and have had a pregnancy without the slightest complication. I am not going to induce labor to suit some societal
(so-called) imperative that may suit a time-table or a flight schedule.

On the other hand, if I am feeling this agitated it's because part of me echos the questions and expectations I hear in other people's words and faces - like when you've been waiting for spring to come after a loooong winter, have a day of sun and then go back to grey and cold. Ugh. Also,
I am feeling increasingly tired (major lack of sleep lately due to various things...) which is not helping my mood and energy levels. Part of me is not quite as relaxed and "live and let live" as I would like to be (although, seriously, much more than I used to be!)

Admittedly, it would be nice if the boy could arrive while my Mum is here to be with Emma - an extra pair of arms to hug her and be with her, especially if it happens at night. Admittedly, it would be nice if Steph didn't have to cancel or postpone his trip on April 29th or if I could take 48 hours to rest in the clinic before coming home without feeling totally guilty and torn. And most of all, it would be great if we didn't have to change our holiday schedule due to not getting baby's passport in time. But.... But it would be really nice if we could just let nature take it's course...

Maybe, like my friend M., having been pregnant this long, I am now weary of rocking the boat. Maybe I just want to enjoy the present without feeling compelled to decide and control. Maybe I'm getting bored out of my mind (having kept my schedule free with no lunches, coffees or play-dates planned at all week my days are totally flexible and well, free!)
I really would like baby to come on his own and well, meet him! I would like to be able to enjoy the last days of pregnancy and feel as light (read "no pressure") as mothers did when they had no EDD and 9 months was roughly "the time". But on the other hand, part of me is finding the time very long and the prospect of another 6 days (bringing us to 40 weeks +10 days) feels like eternity!

Did I mention, that Steph was born 2 weeks late?

Oh, and that I am getting nervous about the increasing size of the baby?

Oh, and I have another heart monitoring scheduled this morning at 9h and will be seeing my Obgyn too. Hopefully we'll be able to check my cervix this time as well.

Update coming soon...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

40 weeks pregnant update

The baby heart monitoring went well (apparently the decreased movements are normal, can be due to lack of space and "le calme avant la tempĂȘte" ) As I wirite at 14h39 I still feel as if I could still be weeks away from giving birth.
A bit of an anti-climax but still, D-day is only a date and it's great that we don't control everything isn't it?

Dr.'s instructions: another heart monitoring in 48 hours (Thursday morning) should nothing have happened by then...

Wait and see!

Until then, I'm planning on enjoying the sun, my daughter, my husband and Mum's company as well as some ice-cream and the park.

40 weeks pregnant!

... and really, nothing seems to be going on here. Were I not aware of what date it is, I could just as well be 7 months pregnant. No cramps, no contractions, no water breaking, no bleeding.
Just a little more tired (mainly due to the fact that my spring allergies have set in and that Emma has been getting up really early enthusiastic to see her Gogo) and less movement from the baby (which is a bit strange...); he still hiccups and moves but less frequently and less energetically. I've read both that this is normal due to lack of space since he is now full term and the contrary, that he should be moving all the time now.

So, today, as planned with my Obgyn at our last appointment two weeks ago, I'll be heading to the clinic for a baby heart rate monitoring at 10am after which we will discuss options depending on the results.

There - all there is to this update.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

2 days left but does he know it?

Well, it's Sunday morning and theoretically, baby is due in 2 days but does he know it?!

On Thursday I did my last Preggie-Pilates class and my trainer J. said she thought the baby would come over the week-end now that my Mum was going to be here. I confirmed that indeed that would be the best time since Steph and Emma and my Mum would all be around, plus the sun was due to be coming out finally!

On Friday, I had my last Shiatsu session for a while, and M. my wonderful practioner said she had a sensed the baby was ready and would be coming within 24-48hours. Yay! Indeed, the week-end was a good time, I agreed. Why not after a good night's sleep and filling brunch?

Yesterday was Saturday and apart from baby seeming unusually quiet and not moving much I could not feel anything happening at all.
We walked around the area so as to familiarize my Mum with the surroundings. We walked down to our favorite market and had coffee, bread & jam and scrambled eggs with parmesan, dried tomatoes and ham in the sun.

We played in the sand-pit with Emma and "ate" her preparations and "drank" her coffee.

We had a yummy mixed salad for lunch and a nice nap afterwards.

I printed out the address labels of family and friends so they are ready to be stuck on to envelopes when we have Gerburtskarten to send off.

I gave my Mum a map of the area and have explained to her how the coffee machine and TV work.

Late afternoon, we went to town and had cakes and tea at Café Diglas and then saw an entertaining movie before coming home.

We skipped dinner and after a brief chat, beer & nuts for some and yogurt and water for me, we went to bed for a read and a good night's sleep... perhaps our last in a little while?

Well, now it's Sunday morning and Emma is in her Gogo's bed being read to (the Gruffalo is a current favorite), Steph is under the shower and I am typing away while sipping my Vata and waiting for the oats to cook.
Baby is due in two days, but does he know it?

Monday, April 12, 2010

I wish myself

Some birth affirmations to help me welcome (giving birth to) our littlest one :

My baby is strong and healthy

My baby is safe and birth is easy and smooth

My cervix is opening and allows my baby to move down

My body knows exactly what to do

I trust my body to know what it needs to do

My baby will come when he is ready

I recover quickly and remain healthy

Untapped sources of strength and patience are available to me

I welcome my labor as the perfect one for me, my baby and my family

I welcome my beautiful, healthy baby into the world

My baby feels my joy

I welcome this opportunity to grow, learn and change

My muscles work in harmony to ease the baby into the world gently and smoothly

My breath is strong, deep and easy

I love and trust my body

I trust my intuition

My baby will come at the perfect moment

I receive all the love and support I need

I feel happy, safe and strong

My baby receives all the love and nourishment he needs

Emma continues to feel happy, safe and loved

I have unlimited patience and resources of energy and love

I am a wonderful mother to both my children

I am a wonderful mother to myself

I am a wonderful partner to my love

This is a beautiful time in our lives

I wish myself and my family all of the above

Friday, April 09, 2010

Emma's first "Freundebuch"

Yesterday as I was dropping Emma off at kindergarden, I was handed a Freundbuch to fill in for one of Emma's friends in Emma's name.

Wow! I can remember doing this kind of thing at 8 or 9 maybe even when I was 12 years old - not when I was 2,5 and couldn't read or write! Things are definitely happening
way earlier these days...

Emma's teacher L. was there and as I thanked the Mum and hoped my German would be good enough to manage this, she told me that since one child had come in with a Freundbuch, they have been popping up everywhere. Indeed... I can imagine. I opened the book and saw that L. had duly filled in a page, pic and all. Nice. And at least I have some kind of inspiration for the answers (did I mention, in German?)

It's actually a nice souvenir, if your child is about to leave kindergarden whether he/she is graduating to primary school or just moving. Also, it's a great resource for parents (you get everybody's phone number and address and it really helps put a face to a name) as well learn about kids' birth-dates, favorite activity, house pets, hobbies, favorite film, book and color, what their pet peeves are etc. (Note to self: something worth buying and doing when new in school/neighborhood again). Also, I am sure, it will be a lovely possession for a child like Emma who loves to tell me about all her friends in school.

So off I went to fill in our first Freundbuch in my best German - with a little help from a friend - and even bought our own one so that Emma can have a record of this first destination/ kindergarden. I wonder, will she still be able to speak German later, like I remember Italian, or will it lie dormant under layers of other languages and learnings. Who knows? I guess a lot depends on how long we stay here and where we go next.

Anyway, back to now for a little baby update:
11 days left until D-day!!!
I went for my last check with my gynae yesterday and it seems that baby boy weighs 3250gr and is expected to arrive at around 3,5kg (like Emma who was born at 3,450gr). He is very low - I knew that! - and heart beat and activity are all normal.
My blood pressure, urine and weight are all fine too. My thyroid meds need adjusting slightly and I've been told when and by how much to reduce them right after birth (this time) so as not to feel like the Incredible Hulk about to explode every 20 minutes (as if sleep deprivation weren't enough!).
Also, I have already scheduled my next thyroid check post-delivery.

Oh, and we might just have found a name...

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Emma's Easter egg hunt

The Easter Bunny hid lots of eggs in our garden and Emma was impatient to find eat them...

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Emma aufs Klo

or in English - Emma on the toilet. Plus some musical entertainment.